Authors list
Name Surname
Living years
Short bio

apie 1275 - 1341
In works of history Gediminas is referred to as the Grand Duke of Lithuania, but he called himself, and was titled in all official documents, the King of Lithuania, or the King of Lithuania and of Russians. He ruled in the years 1316-1341.

1904 - 1973
Jonas Aistis is one of the most prominent Lithuanian poets who combines the intimate lyrical talking with strict poetical programme; he expressed the ideals of neoromantic generation; in the latest stage of his creative life he engaged himself strongly fo

1873 - 1944
Jurgis Baltrušaitis is a poet of symbolist trend, whose creative work began in Russian language. He can be considered as an exile writer in Lithuanian literature. Since his very youth he did not live in Lithuania, but the second half of his life was marked by the search of his Lithuanian roots, where he sought the inspiration and meaning of his works.

1835 - 1902
Antanas Baranauskas is the most prominent Lithuanian poet of the feudalism epoch's end. He was born in Anykščiai to a numerous family of "royal" (i.e. free) peasants on January 17, 1789.

1851 - 1927
Jonas Basanavičius was a most significant figure of the national renaissance of Lithuanians at the end of 19th century and had acquired the name of the patriarch of the nation. J.Basanavičius had not created any work of fiction, however his patriotic activities and his collections of folklore as well as research had left a deep impact on the poetry and other writings of that time.

1845 - 1921
Julija Beniuševičiūtė-Žymantienė, in literature known under pseudonym of Žemaitė, was born on May 31, 1845, in Bukantiškės estate, Plungė community, to a family of a poor nobleman. She did not get any systematic education. To read and to write she learned at home from her father, and more elementary education knowledge she received from her wealthy relative. Later she learned from the books.

1879 - 1907
Jonas Biliūnas is a founder of lyrical Lithuanian prose. He was born on April 11, 1879, in Niūroniai village of Anykščiai county in a family of wealthy farmers.

1893 - 1942
The heritage of K.Binkis's works is not big, but in all fields he achieved significant results. He wrote humorous and satirical poems, rhymed feuilletons, published poetry books for children. He debuted as a play writer in 1938 with a piece "The Undergrow

1905 - 1965
Kazys Boruta was a narrator of rebel spiritual nature, anticonformist in his life and works. A writer of expressionist, energetic verse, author of innovative folklore novels. A versificator of Lithuanian folk tales, author of travel books and humorous stories.

1907 - 2002
Bernardas Brazdžionis is one of the most prominent poets whose personality was formed during the years of independence (1918-1940), a classic of Lithuanian literature. He is one of the few Lithuanian writers whose status extends beyond the sphere of literature: he became an historical figure symbolically representing the strength and the spirit of resistance of the Lithuanian culture in the years of distress.

1909 - 1947
Petras Cvirka, one of the most prominent writers of the first half of the 20th century, a representative of realism, was born on March 12, 1909, in the village of Klangiai of Veliuona community, Kaunas district. In 1926 he finished Veliuona progymnasium,

1793 - 1864
Simonas Daukantas is one of the most prominent Lithuanian cultural and literature workers of the 19th century, the first professional historian who was the first to write historical works in Lithuanian. He was active in the field of Lithuanian history and folklore, made several translations and imitations of fiction prose, and wrote many booklets and manuals of practical character.

apie 1527 - 1538 m. - 1613
M. Daukša is one of the most prominent Lithuanian writers of the Renaissance epoch. He was born in an ancient noble family circa years 1527-1538 in Babėnai, between Kėdainiai and Dotnuva. Presumably he studied in one of the Western European universities,

1928 - 1990
Janina Degutytė is a romantic maximalist among the new Lithuanian poets. She continued and modified the tradition of melodic lyrics of Salomėja Nėris. A creator of lyrics about nature and of miniatures on the themes of nature.

1714 - 1780
Kristijonas Donelaits was one of the most original writers of European Enlightenment, a classic of Lithuanian literature.

1860 - 1912
Jonas Gaidamavičius was one of the constitutors, editors and contributors to the newspaper "Varpas". He was born in a village of Kaniūkai, Alunta community, Utena district. He studied medicine at Warsaw University in 1883-1889.

1901 - 1986
Juozas Grušas is an author of stories on existential topics and plays of various types. He wrote according to the tragic and tragicomic principle. Characteristic of his works are moral problems and moral self-consciousness. In his style he blended the constructive form and the power of generalization.

apie 1475-1480 - po 1533
Mikalojus Husovianas is a poet and humanist whose works are directly linked with Lithuania who wrote in Latin. Little is known about his origins and life. M. Husovianas was a citizen and a patriot of the multinational Grand Duchy of Lithuania. From the poem "The Song of the Bison" it is possible to derive that the poet was born in Grand Duchy of Lithuania because there are verses where the author refers to Lithuania as his native country and motherland.

1945 - 1992
Antanas Kalanavičius is a poet of the eighth and ninth decades who kept aside and did not participate in the literary life for a long time. A subtle lyricist with strong inner experience, especially of the nature, a creator of the particular poetic langua

1915 - 1980
Albinas Marius Vaitkus, who later called himself Marius Katiliškis, was born on September 15, 1915, in Gruzdžiai. He attended a school at Žagarė, worked as a librarian, and also did the physical work.

1882 - 1954
Vincas Krėvė (Mickevičius) was a creator of universal daring and various genres, he combined realistic details with romantic inspiration, merged wisdom of his own nation and the Orient, created historical works, interpreted the Bible, started the literary folklorism, was a writer of a wide amplitude.

1858 - 1899
Vincas Kudirka was born in Vilkaviškis district, village of Paežeriai to a family of a wealthy farmer on December 31, 1858. He went to the primary school at Paežeriai. After graduating from the school in 1871, V.Kudirka entered the Marijampolė high school where he began to write verses in Polish.

1932 - 1964
The most prominent representative of the landless generation, the so-called unadorned language poet. He made his debut poetry collection of traditional "Elegies" (1950., A. PageGate nickname), it is rich in longing for the homeland, exile, pain motives. Set "His is the Earth" (1959). Exile seen as a challenge to God, poetic language, an understanding of the truth.

1921 - 1944
Vytautas Mačernis is a youngest classic of literature, he was a beginner of modern Lithuanian poetry, and one of the most significant poets of his generation.

1862 - 1932
Maironis was a founder of new Lithuanian poetry, the greatest poet of the period of Lithuanian press ban. He had expressed the national aims of that time and was called the singer of the national renaissance. His poetry had influenced other writers so much that it was called Maironis poetry school in literature.

apie 1520 - 1563
Martynas Mažvydas is a most prolific Lithuanian author of the 16th century, whose name associates with the beginning of Lithuanian literature. M. Mažvydas had initiated the patterns of practically all kinds of established works of the ancient Lithuanian literature: an ABC book; a Catechismus; a book of songs with notes; a prayer book; a Holy Writ translation; original prefaces and dedications.

1798 - 1855
Adomas Mickevičius (Adam Mickiewicz) is a writer of the world renown who was writing in Polish and is one of the most prominent representatives of Romanticism in world literature. He was born in Zaosie nearby Naugardukas now Bielorussia), on December 24, 1798.

1893 - 1967
Vincas Mykolaitis Putin - Lithuanian poet, novelist, playwright, critic and literary scholar.

1905 - 1983
Antanas Miškinis is a poet of modern neoromantic style, whose programme sought to blend the poetical and spoken languages, who conversed the folklore tradition into literary culture, blended the melodic experience with vanguardist poetics.

1904 - 1945
Salomėja Nėris is the most prominent poetess who formed during the years of independence (1918-1940), and reached the heights of the art. The pureness of emotion, the sheerness of form and melody really makes her resemble to a singing nightingale, though without special deepness of thoughts, but attractive by the candor of her heart. Still, the involvement of S.Nėris in the tenets of bolsheviks and her paying the tribute to communist propaganda stains her person and her works.

Lazdynų Pelėda (Owl of Hazelnut) was a pseudonym of two Ivanauskaitės sisters who are more widely known by their marriage names - Sofia Pšibiliauskienė and Maria Lastauskienė. Maria had started to write in Polish and her work was freely translated to Lithuanian by Sofia. Thus the dominating role of S.Pšibiliauskienė was established.

1757 - 1830
Dionizas Poška is one of the most prominent Lithuanian writers and cultural workers of democratic trend from the beginning of the 19th century. The fiction works of D.Poška vary in form: they consist of poems, occasional verses, versificated letters, epigrams. The most significant in social and artistic aspects of them is the poem "The Peasant of Samogitia and Lithuania".

1910 - 1970
Henrikas Radauskas a poet of independent Lithuania, who grew up and matured in Lithuania, but reached the peak of his creation in emigration.

1940 - 1980
Bronius Radzevičius is one of the most prominent Lithuanian prose writers of the eighth decade, a writer of immense talent.

1877 - 1930
Šatrijos Ragana is a romanticist writer of the beginning of Lithuanian national renaissance and independence, a pedagogue and cultivator of a Christian personality.

1947 - 1993
Antanas Ramonas is a prose writer of the ninth decade, an "inner emigrant" close to B.Radzevičius. A narrator of elegiac, nostalgic, stylistically consistent and congruous prose.

1905 - 1985
Though V.Ramonas wrote not many works - only two novels and two collections of stories - he emerged as one of the leading prose masters in Lithuanian emigrant literature.

1776 - 1840
Liudvikas Gediminas Martynas Rėza was a most prominent worker of Lithuanian culture in Lithuania Minor. He has generalized the achievements of Lithuanian culture till 19th century and created a fundament for further cultural development in that region. L.Rėza was one of the most educated Lituanists of the 19th century, a professor at Königsberg University, therefore he was an authority and set example for the other fosterers of Lithuanian culture.

1595 - 1640
Motiejus Kazimieras Sarbievijus - a poet who wrote in Latin, popular in the seventeenth century. Europe. Vilnius Academy graduate and professor of Pope Urban VIII, laureate, known as Sarmatia Horace.

1890 - 1952
Jurgis Savickis - lithuanian diplomat and writer of modernist direction.

1897 - 1978
Ieva Simonaitytė is a writer from Klaipėda district; an author of autobiographic tales and novels, she depicted everyday life and exceptional destinies of "lietuvninkai" - Lithuanians from Lithuania Minor. Her life and creation resembles Žemaitė's way. Both writers have attained their education through reading of books, their experience of life and their inborn gift to watch the environment and people is the source of creativity for both of them.

1896 - 1947
Balys Sruoga was a writer of wide and colourful gift: a poet, a prose writer, a dramatist, a theatre critic, a researcher of literature and folklore.

1799 - 1848
Simonas Stanevičius is a writer, a prominent cultural worker of the beginning of the 19th century, a classical author of fables.

1763 - 1833
Antanas Strazdas was a poet and a priest. People had remembered him by a diminutive name of Strazdelis (Little Blackbird). The real biographical facts of A.Strazdas were scarce and he became a legendary person.

1889 - 1959
The life and writing career of Ignas Šeinius is one of the most interesting phenomena in the new Lithuanian literature. He belongs to the generation of the representatives of aestheticism, impressionism, and symbolism. They have caused a significant revolutionary renewal (though a passive one) of Lithuanian literature and diminished its distance from the development of world's literature. I.Šeinius is the first impressionist with a coherent style and means of description in Lithuanian literature.

1922 - 1979
Paulius Širvys is a most talented poet of the post-war period who transformed his experience of orphan and soldier into the naturally melodic form of verse; he renewed the traditional metaphors of nature and kept to the principle of lyrical self-expression.

1911 - 1961
Antanas Škėma - Lithuanian émigré writer, novelist and playwright, modernist, the greatest innovator of Lithuanian literature.

1869 - 1933
Juozas Tumas-Vaižgantas is one of the great Lithuanian writers. He is an outstanding and noble personality, a creator of wonderful artistic works. The creative heritage left by Vaižgantas has the biggest value of the writers of his period.

1876 - 1901
Pranas Vaičaitis is one of the most prominent among Lithuanian poets democrats of the end of 19th and beginning of 20th century. His verses can be compared with these of Maironis and V.Kudirka.

1906 - 1992
Antanas Vaičiulaitis - Lithuanian diplomat, writer, and translator.

1801 - 1875
Motiejus Valančius - educator, writer, and pioneer of Lithuanian literary prose, the organizer of temperance movement.

1789 - 1831
He attended school Raseiniai. In 1812. graduated from the Vilnius High seminary, but did not become a priest. Became member of Napoleon's army. Interacted with Dionizas Poška. Participated in 1831 rebellion through which was killed.

1882 - 1957
Antanas Vienuolis - Lithuanian pharmacist, writer, novelist, playwright and public figure.
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