404 Salomėja Nėris : Diemedžiu žydėsiu | About text | Antologija.lt
About text: Salomėja Nėris - Diemedžiu žydėsiu (I Will Turn into the Absinth Flower)

The fourth book of poetry by S.Nėris, "I Will Turn into the Absinth Flower" rose her to the heights of craft. This is the last book of poetry of S.Nėris in independent Lithuania. For this selection the poetess was awarded the highest literary prize in Lithuania - the State award.

The most essential qualities of S.Nėris's verses are their lyricism, simplicity, lucidity, the alacrity of poetical word and melodic agility. Though her poetry seems simple, her versification is very ingenious, and sometimes achieve the utmost virtuosity.