"Varpas" was one of the monthly literary, political and scientific newspapers published during the years of Lithuanian press ban. It had survived for the longest period (1889-1905).
After "Aušra" publishing was ceased the lack of a Lithuanian newspaper was felt keenly. The Lithuanian Society in Warsaw "Lithuania" was considering the revival of "Aušra" or establishment of a new newspaper. The initiators of a new one were the members of the Society V.Kudirka, J.Gaidamavičius, J.Adomaitis-Šernas and others. J.Gaidamavičius was an editor of the newspaper for some time and wrote an editorial preface to the first issue of "Varpas" "A New Newspaper". Over 150 secular intellectuals cooperated in "Varpas".
"Varpas" had become a higher level extension of "Aušra". "Aušra" had raised the principles of national independence, democracy, freedom of citizens, however, they had not acquired forms that would be clear and transparent to everyone. "Varpas" had extended these principles, highlighted them and, what was most important, related them to concrete everyday affairs, the issues of national culture were linked with economic foundations. "Varpas" was in a strict opposition to Russian policy in Lithuania, it revealed the injustice of the authorities towards Lithuanians, condemned the policy of oppression and Russification.